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Donor | Gift | Value | Recipient | Actions |
CyberWarFare Labs
Certified Exploit Development Professional (x5)
north | mikearbouet | floppingway | duncletitus | mrbot0101
Malware graphic shirts (x12)
jackskelt | fIippy00 | g0ogawd | aman_thanvi | saiyangod0x | TESSERACT___ | 0xTat | k_flowstate | offsitedark |
FPrime | kinda_sus_bro
Black Mass Volume I, II (x5)
kat | csharp | que | Doctor Wu | b3rnie | ne0gram | Villi | ?????????????
CyberWarFare Labs
Multi-Cloud Red Team Analyst (x5)
JasonvanBrackel | kusonoo | 5mukx | homermartinezjr | rutbars
Nikhil Mittal
Certified Red Team Professional (x3)
z0rz0x | stuxvt | TheEternalGuide
Chrome Jesus
TryHackMe 1 Year (x1)
Maht Hernandez
Doug Stewart
Satyam Pathania
PentesterLab Pro (6 months) (x10)
callme_senpai | sweetdelightss | gonzxph | X86X4 | meowStryker | licensetodraw | AzarMamiyev | livebeef | iidms1 | fhlipZero
Anonymous Donor
VulnLabs Europe
Vulnlab 90 (full lab access) (x10)
TheFryHop | CryptoJ0ules | jaali1337 | 3xpect_Us | hassnain782 | nfacha | MisterTonon | societynotreal | hash_cpp | 0x4k41
CyberWarFare Labs
Enterprise Security Controls Attack Specialist (x10)
ElWalid | MasePrace93 | raven4n6 | DrEwPhd | MattETurner
SEKTOR7 Training
RED TEAM Operator: Malware Development Essentials Course (x4)
lockershover | Cibernaut4 | pho3n1x86 | _fl4re
75 cybersecurity stickers
LegatusChristi | 63ms | mitchel | 1n44n6 | aStoicNate | alxstai | GrainStats | inphinity | trinoo | rutbars | Socket_Slayer | GuentherGeil | dgansen | qusadilla_exe
Defense Security
Linux Attack, Detection and Live Forensics + 90 days lab access (x3)
_kair0s_ | zhytheous | pseudonyme_ovb
SEKTOR7 Training
RED TEAM Operator: Malware Development Intermediate Course (x3)
meovvare | j_kissell | fhlipZero
VPS for 6 months (x10)
iwfoiu | pandadiestro | pain0x0 | eligaultney | TReepTeep | CadmiumSun | serv1ceman | bowothegoat | _4bhishek
Nikhil Mittal
Certified Azure Red Team Professional (x3)
JimDolpn, Shikta, B3dz
SEKTOR7 Training
RED TEAM Operator: Malware Development Advanced - Vol.1 (x3)
hashp4 | bostonhacker | guerillahax
Matt Zorich
The Definitive Guide to KQL (eBook) (x10)
JPJesh | WLesicki | fluekichu | TheGhostofHarpo | chainsaw1017 | TraumaGroup_Int | Evan_Byrne | sloane_naoise | Lagomorph37
Lifetime Reverse Engineer Plan (x10)
capitanaMarea | AMachinae | alija_helly | maxburnside000 | R4CC00N3D | AndreaDraghetti | ghost1nwires | 0xhrH | taharidvanoztrk | sonofboreas
Hasherezade | D4LnehzeXploit | wallsified | fizzdev | t4yjh | meowsarah__ | DMTDeathmatch | eversinc33
"Uber" (not the company)
castinoutaspell | Luilui | petikvx | Roxy the Dog | Herbs | APirateMoo | DrGecko
Nikhil Mittal
Certified Red Team Expert (x3)
chrinovic | 80dropz | z3k0sec
xG3 Injectable Biomagnet v2
TorGuard VPN 1 year subscription (x10)
PouncyAgKitten | EternalRiftss | frootware | anumilate1 | essondev | DTubbs1017 | offbeat | TopeliusMoroni | skeletor_ong
CyberWarFare Labs
Certified Cyber Security Engineer (x3)
fauxpasz | plasmuh987 | pcppup
Ali Hadi
C5W Certified Malware Analyst (x10)
gefeen0 | TehVidya | housetwitoct | HoloCat | yago | Beu | scawwlett | NetRunner404 | metantz_ | steven_7_14
How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety (x1)
"Uber" (not the company)
MullVad VPN (6 months) (x20)
zentropic_ | astrowolf | Ashley Adams | TotallyNotK0 | federalkitty | theeraxon | h4ppy_g | SchwarzerHumor | heyyzac | donFigtree | meuhland | NMNP_Thirteen | spicydll | NotCraftyFoxxo | powerm1nt | Kaztled | wizard | 600cbd | schlauchschal | 0xf
Dave Kennedy
Roos_Hax | 0xL0rd0x | polyschmoxic | g0dofnub | _mayrasantiago | trillmatic_ | 0xKiroz | IowanDad | mitchelldeamon | blankname
CCG Cyber World
TryHackMe 1 Month (x5)
tallhatdoug | criptomonada | 01Xyris | RonOnealH | rundas_r00t
vx-underground + "Uber" (not the company)
Women In Security and Privacy (WISP)
Lifetime Access Plan (x3)
lion king | 4renwald | Cad
Zero2Automated (x10)
0xDreamWeaver | sticky | mMakmaKgu | br0.eXe | Sausage Assassin | dan | Hashversion | Madphibian | drunkennutz | nathanyell_
Kuba Gretzky
Evilginx Mastery (x12)
localkip, RaizyStyle, AfryieSec, s4dmach1ne, Silat0001, prit16, Fight4CAN, Gerrmannnnnn, Cyrus4082, wwwGeneralFR, Kdevvcom, PNGbtw
Database Access Plan (x3)
arnaud | nafiual | bernbre
Mehmet Ergene
Hands-On KQL for Security Analysts (x5)
itstealthki | St1aan | HaitianGeek_ | TheStuze | BhoyWhonder
vxdb & 3kh0
vx-underground merch